Feb 202016

Collaboration with Rafael Domenech.
Lattice (celosía): cut and folded drywall/sheetrock – CNC.
Nomadic display in Miami Maker Fair 2016

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Feb 022015
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  •  February 2, 2015
Jul 052014
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Sep 202013
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Mar 122010

Tiles, 2010. Customized vinyl adhesives tiles.
Vinyl tiles (12in by 12in) and graffiti.
Exhibited: Improvising Architecture IFAE MIA, Miami, U.S.
Declaracion: Este proyecto se auto declara temporal. Entiende que en el paisaje infinito de lo genérico los gestos vernáculos se disuelven, ruedan minúsculos hasta desaparecer, como los huesos de opossum en la carretera interestatal I-95.

How Morocco Slate, Senegal Burnt Almond and Regal Wood becomes Jamaican Genetic or Orange Possum?
More info and text about this project here.


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Oct 142009


Paravan (in collaboration with Gean Moreno)Plywod, printed tabloids2009
Paravan is a folding screen with a twofold purpose:
1) it is a surface on which we can index the materials and modules that we employ; and
2) it is used to produce functional architectural spaces.
In this iteration it was used as a support display for an archive of milk crate patterns that we have collected and printed in our tabloids, as an index of two of the modules that we have used in the Freddy system, and as the walls of a reading room.


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