Nov 202013

Georgia Bullets
Gean Moreno & Ernesto Oroza
November 12 –  December 21
CCE Miami

Georgia Bullets is a project that runs parallel to TAPAS: Spanish Design for Food, a major traveling exhibition that focuses on the work of Spanish designers in relation to food and culinary cultures. Georgia Bullets assumes a perspective that is, at once, the opposite of and a compliment to the relationship between professional design and culinary production: it looks at the anonymous and popular configurations that emerge around local food cultures. It focuses on non-professional production of objects, graphics, and behaviors within the context in which they are generated and employed. It also aims to understand how this localized production deals with the multitude of generic objects which, due to their economic accessibility, have invaded the city.

Along with an exhibition component, the project includes a pair of workshops with students from DASH (Design and Architecture Senior High School) and with students from the Culinary Institute of Miami Dade College. A 32-page tabloid, in a run of 20,000 copies, has been produced as an integral part of Georgia Bullets and will distributed at various points throughout the city. The tabloid is part of an editorial project––that Moreno and Oroza have been developing since 2009.

Special thanks to Julie Kahn for allowing us to present a slideshow related to her project Swamp Cabbage, an investigation into local Florida food cultures, as part of this exhibition.

Georgia bullets at Design Log

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