Jul 082010


A Survey of Contemporary Art. July 16 – Agosto 15, 2010
. Co-curated by Juan Delgado Calzadilla, Elvia Rosa Castro, and Nelson Herrera Ysla.

Serendipity is an exhibition of Contemporary Cuban art that emphasizes the limitless approach to art making in the country. Serendipity displays a range of artists’ practices that result from the hybridization born out of colonial history. The exhibition relates to the history of Cuba as a Hispanic colony in the Caribbean, a geographic region where different cultures and ethnicities integrate with one another. Organized under the premise that Cuban artists express no material and cultural prejudices, and instead assimilate every cultural product indiscriminately, the exhibition attempts to chart out a course wherein artistic production in Cuba reflects its dynamic and controversial context. By making use of a deep sense of re-articulation and the appropriation of international artistic languages, Cuban art is capable of becoming a synthesis of local and global concerns. This is particularly poignant, in that international artistic scenes throughout the world are currently undergoing a radical reprisal of the ways in which public dialogue is made manifest in specific contexts.


Mauricio Abad, Iván Abreu, Juan Carlos Alom, Rewell Altunaga y Nayvis Pérez, Lidize Alvisa, Douglas Argüelles, Alexandre Arrechea, Magdiel Aspillaga, Belkis Ayón, Abel Barreto, Abel Barroso, Jose Bedia, Agustín Bejarano, Yaniesky Bernal, Alejandro Campins, Yoan Capote, Iván Capote, Los Carpinteros, Loidys Carnero, Elizabet Cerviño, Javier Castro, Raúl Cordero, Roberto Diago, Yoel Hugo Díaz, Humberto Díaz, Duvier del Dago, Roberto Fabelo, Antonio Eligio Fernández, Ernesto Javier Fernández, Adonis Flores, Diana Fonseca, José Manuel Fors, José Emilio Fuentes, Aymée García, Rocío García, Flavio Garciandía, Luis Gárciga, Luis Gómez, Jairo Gutiérrez, Inti Hernández, Octavio Irving, Ernesto Leal, Glenda León, Reynier Leyva Novo, Luis Enrique López, Alexis Leyva Machado (Kcho), Armando Mariño, Ibrahim Miranda, Antonio Margolles, Rigoberto Mena, Manuel Mendive, Carlos Montes de Oca, Orlando Montalbán, Arturo Montoto, Pedro Pablo Oliva, Ernesto Oroza, Marianela Orozco, René Peña, Rodolfo Peraza, Douglas Perez, Gustavo Pérez, Alain Pino, Manuel Piña, Eduardo Ponjuán, Carlos Quintana, Sandra Ramos, Ernesto Rancano, Ángel Ricardo Ríos, René Francisco Rodríguez, René Rodríguez, Santiago Rodríguez Olazábal, Rubén Rodríguez, Fernando Rodríguez, Eduardo Roca (Choco), Lazaro Saavedra, Alfredo Sosabravo, Esterio Segura, José A. Toirac y Ricardo G. Elías, Ruslán Torres, José Villa, Jorge Wellesley, José Eduardo Yaque

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